Alternative To Visio 2010 Professional For Mac

ConceptDraw Pro. ConceptDraw Pro is the only professional diagramming cross platform desktop alternative to Visio that works on both Mac and Windows PCs. ConceptDraw Pro can even export to Visio VSDX format although we found the results are not as accurate as with SmartDraw.
Hi James, Visio Pro for Office 365 is a standalone subscription. You need to purchaes it seperately then add it to Office 365 plan. It allows each user to install Visio on up to five PCs running Windows 7 or Windows 8. But Visio is not support for Mac, it doesn't work on Macs. If there is anything that I can do for you regarding this issue, feel free to post back. Best regards, Greta Ge TechNet Community Support It's recommended to download and install, which is developed by Microsoft Support teams.
Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office programs. Office 365 is the name of the marketing program where you lease Microsoft Office instead of purchase. The Office 365 program includes Mac and Windows versions of Office. So yes, you could install Visio Pro Office in a Windows partition and boot directly to Microsoft Windows using Apple's built-in Boot Camp, or you could run Windows and Mac OS simultaneously using a virtual machine in Parallels (or competing VMWare but I prefer Parallels).
Bluestacks 2 app player for mac black screen. You can run Office for Mac in Mac OS X - or Office for Windows in Windows under the Office 365 program. I know this thread is a bit old but it's clear there's still a lot of misunderstanding regarding whether you can use Visio with Office 365 on Mac. Since I've been in this situation and resolved it, I thought I would add my 2 cents. The simple answer is, without a virtual machine, you cannot run Visio Pro in Office 365 on Mac. Office 365 is tied to the desktop version of Microsoft Visio which isn't available for Mac.
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Microsoft Visio 2010 Professional
However, if you were to install and run Windows on your Mac in a partition, you could then use Office 365 on a Mac. I tried this workaround though and found it was very laggy and made using the Mac very slow at times.
Visio For Mac Download
I'm currently trying a few Visio alternatives - there's many suggestions here: some of which can also edit Visio files. I'd much rather use a native Mac or cloud solution than try to run a virtual environment all the time. Sorry rant over - hope this has helped others!
Visio Alternatives For Mac
ConceptDraw PRO comparison with Omnigraffle Professional and MS Visio shows you the significant benefits of ConceptDraw PRO, which offers varied useful drawing tools, the capability of creation multi-page documents, wide export / import capabilities in graphic formats, integration with Visio and Microsoft Office applications, availability of built-in scripting language and ConceptDraw Solution Park with numerous solutions, vector objects libraries, templates and samples. Business today is conducted with incredible rate and dynamic presentations become very popular. Sometimes while conducting the business, may happen that you can't describe some situation, state, or process with only words. In these cases it is convenient to include graphics and diagrams associated with the text. This guarantees successful communication with other stakeholders and team members, and faultless understanding the information by them.